A ring is a classic gift for weddings, engagements, and other momentous occasions. If you’re throwing down money on a ring for yourself or someone else you could be spending some serious dough – so make good choices. Buying a ring and making those good choices can be an intimidating experience so let’s look to three tips for buying a ring so you can get it right every time from John Atencio.
3 Tips for Buying a Ring
Size Once, Twice, Three Times
Let’s imagine you’ve picked out the perfect ring for your wife but you’re unsure on the size. Instead of getting fresh size measurements you buy the ring anyway from a friend’s suggestion. You present the ring to your wife – and it doesn’t fit. Always get a finger sized before buying a ring, even if you ‘know’ your ring size. It’s the best to get the ring sized at the same venue you’ll be purchasing it at. Avoid the troubles of returns or resizing and double-check about ring sizing before purchasing.
Get Input
You may want to buy a surprise ring for your wife or boyfriend but any jewelry purchase should have at least some input from the person who will be wearing it, and that includes you. Always get additional input on any ring purchases from the one who will be receiving it or someone who knows them well like you do. If you try to purchase a ring without any input from others you’re only getting one side of the story. The more input, the better chance you have of picking out the perfect ring. As for yourself, ask someone else or an employee, “What do you think of this ring, and why?”
Find a Reputable Jeweler
You can read all the blogs you want and talk to all your friends who know jewelry but the best ally in buying a ring is a reputable jewelry outfit. A high-quality jewelry store will take their time in finding your needs and explaining the differences between one ring over another as well as addressing any budgetary concerns. There many tips for buying a ring but starting with a great jeweler is the top tip.
Before buying any ring double check the size, get input from others, and start your search with a high-quality jeweler. If you follow those tips you’ll buy the perfect ring no matter the occasion.